Periplaneta americana, American cockroach
Periplaneta americana, American cockroach . its not that I get them in my flat as I am on the fourth floor but they are here and every now and again I go down to the lower floor hide -e - hole cupboard and spray.
the hide-e-hole is where the service area for all the pipes service water sewage etc, there is also a service manhole that is home to the cockroach and if not sealed properly the periplaneta escape and invade the building mostly coming out at night. this manhole has no seal. . as I went down this morning early to take my garbage out I also took my ragon spray this is what I spray in my bedroom against mosquito.
and works well killing cockroaches, at 10 30 I went out again and saw 2 dead bugs near the entrance door put them in a carrier bag to take photos of (.no not in the bag) when I got back to my flat I took the roaches out of the bag to take photos of and here they are dead as a dodo ,
I then looked up cockroaches on line and came up with a whole list. and these are Periplaneta americana, American cockroach
so many too choose from
- Blattella germanica, German cockroach
- Blaptica dubia, South American Dubia cockroach
- Blatta orientalis, Oriental cockroachOriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis). a, female; b, male; c, side view of female; d, young.
- Blattella asahinai, Asian cockroach
- Blaberus craniifer, true death's head cockroach
- Blaberus discoidalis, discoid cockroach or false death's head
- Eurycotis floridana, Florida woods cockroach
- Gromphadorhina portentosa, Madagascar hissing cockroach
- laxta granicollis, Bark cockroach
- Parcoblatta pennsylvanica, Pennsylvania woods cockroach
- Periplaneta americana, American cockroach
- Periplaneta australasiae, Australian cockroach
- Periplaneta brunnea, black Mississippi cockroach
- Periplaneta fuliginosa, smokybrown cockroach
- Pycnoscelus surinamensis, Surinam cockroach
- Supella longipalpa, brown-banded cockroach
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